Tuesday, January 17, 2012


So today I decided to start back hard core again after my somewhat break.  I've been doing really well at drinking more water, and I'm hoping to eventually get Diet Cokes out completely, but what can I say, I'm a caffeinaholic, so this may take awhile.  When I got home from school today (where I learned how to put in an IV... YIKES)  I decided to change clothes and head to the gym at our apartments.  I got on the eliptical, at least I think I did it was more of a machine that was like half stair master half eliptical.  Anyways I was on that thing for 30 minutes and then I did some arm workouts on the machines.  While I was there a group of electricians were working on the treadmills and I was carrying on conversations with them while I was working out.  They were cheering me on, asking me how much longer I had on it and what not.  Kaleb thought this was creepy but they were like my dad's age and really nice, not creepy at all.  They were also giving me tips on exercising saying that after the first 20 min of exercise is when it really counts because your body goes from aerobic exercise to anaerobic.  I'm not sure how much truth is in this but I plan on looking it up and checking for myself.  So I was on the stairlipitical for 30 minutes, I went 1.5 miles and burned exactly 200 calories.  Not to shabby for my first day back working out after a week break.  Hopefully I'll see results soon!

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