Tuesday, January 17, 2012
So today I decided to start back hard core again after my somewhat break. I've been doing really well at drinking more water, and I'm hoping to eventually get Diet Cokes out completely, but what can I say, I'm a caffeinaholic, so this may take awhile. When I got home from school today (where I learned how to put in an IV... YIKES) I decided to change clothes and head to the gym at our apartments. I got on the eliptical, at least I think I did it was more of a machine that was like half stair master half eliptical. Anyways I was on that thing for 30 minutes and then I did some arm workouts on the machines. While I was there a group of electricians were working on the treadmills and I was carrying on conversations with them while I was working out. They were cheering me on, asking me how much longer I had on it and what not. Kaleb thought this was creepy but they were like my dad's age and really nice, not creepy at all. They were also giving me tips on exercising saying that after the first 20 min of exercise is when it really counts because your body goes from aerobic exercise to anaerobic. I'm not sure how much truth is in this but I plan on looking it up and checking for myself. So I was on the stairlipitical for 30 minutes, I went 1.5 miles and burned exactly 200 calories. Not to shabby for my first day back working out after a week break. Hopefully I'll see results soon!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Joyful Noise - Man in the Mirror - Keke Palmer (HD)
Great Movie! Love this Song! Just thought I'd Share. Thought it was a good song for today's blog!
Starting Over
So my weighin did not show me what I expected. I think my starting weight was wrong. I weigh more than what I thought I did. This is a really sad realization for me and I'm going to have to start working even harder, and now that I really know my starting weight, I can tell you how I do from here. I'm not going to post my weight, but I will continue to post on what I'm doing and if I lose any. This weighin shocked me so bad I honestly kinda gave up. I worked out a few days last week but not my normal everyday workouts. So, This is me starting over. I obviously did not meet my 4000 calorie burn goal on YourShape, but I can't let this effect me forever. I want to change so I'm just going to have to make more changes. My husband and I will be starting a new diet soon and as soon as I have the details worked out I'll share. I have to lose weight. I know I can do this!
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Yo Quiero Taco Bell!
Today after church, Kaleb and I had lunch with our good friends Nikki and Evan at Taco Bell! We talked about church, New Years Resolutions and future possible vacations, one of which is swimming with dolphins all that good stuff! I really hope I get to swim with a dolphin before the end of 2012 (it's on my bucket list), AND I want to look good doing it! So that brings me back to updating my blog on how I've been doing the past couple of days as far as keeping up with my workouts. On Friday I burned 226 calories! I was very psyched to see that I beat my 215/ day goal. Saturday I burned even more! My total came to 247 calories which brings the grand total to 473 calories in the past couple of days! I have 2527 calories left to burn in the next two weeks, the real challenge is going to be keeping this up when school starts *Tomorrow.* But I'm really thinking that I can do this!
I weigh in tomorrow at the school and I'm sort of nervous. I know in my mind that I've made 2 major changes in my life; only drinking no calorie sodas, plus I've drank a lot more water than usual, and exercising almost daily. Surely, this has made some kind of change in my weight. I've also notice my stomach getting smaller, at least I think it is. I guess I'll find out tomorrow! As soon as these tacos settle I'm going to begin todays workout, the final workout before my weighin! Until Then!
I weigh in tomorrow at the school and I'm sort of nervous. I know in my mind that I've made 2 major changes in my life; only drinking no calorie sodas, plus I've drank a lot more water than usual, and exercising almost daily. Surely, this has made some kind of change in my weight. I've also notice my stomach getting smaller, at least I think it is. I guess I'll find out tomorrow! As soon as these tacos settle I'm going to begin todays workout, the final workout before my weighin! Until Then!
Anyone remember this guy? I miss his commercials! I guess the talking salsa packets are alright too!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Tonight I only burned 73 calories on Your Fitness, but I got to my new objective of burning a total of 1004 calories since I started the Your Shape program. This isn't my total calorie burn overall though because I have done Dance Central as well and other things. But my new challenge to myself is to get to the next objective on Your Shape in 2 weeks. The next objective total is 4000 calories, so I have 3000 calories to go by January 19, that's an average of 215 calories a day, and my new goal to myself starts tomorrow! So BRING IT ON YOUR SHAPE! 
This pic shows me how nice my arms used to look. :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Holes in my Pockets
So yesterday I didn't quite meet my goal. I burned 220 calories on cardio boxing and was plain worn out. Today, I took a work out break. I am sore and honestly don't feel to great. I think it may be the fact that winter break is coming to a close and school starts Monday. I finished registration today which includes payment. I don't get any scholarships or financial aid so it is all out of pocket. I've worked really hard this past semester to raise all that money and I just gave it all away. I know it is going toward my education which will land me a nursing job in hopefully a year and a half, but it isn't really fair that some people get their education completely paid for through grants and scholarship and I can't because I already have a bachelor's degree. I guess that's what I get for changing my mind about what I want to do with my life, but now I'm just ranting.
I sale my art and crafts to raise money for me to go to school, and today I just saw approximately 40 pieces of art leave my hands and go to the school. Not to mention I've already bought a book for $140 and have about 300ish more dollars I have to spend for books and random things they require just for this semester. It is just odd to me that you pay so much to go to school in order to get paid more one day, and that day you do get paid more you don't have to pay for school. (That made a lot more since in my head.) Anywho, I know that teachers have to get paid too, I mean i am married to one, so I wish they did get paid more, which would probably mean students paying more! I guess I just feel this way at the beginning of every semester because the schools literally drain your bank account within a week. Good thing we're stocked up on spaghettio's! (Which are probably not helping me get into my skinny britches at all.) Hey! maybe that 20 pound 140 dollar book I'll be carrying around will help! Did I mention, that I went to the library today to get a book and they didn't have it? And that I waited in line for an hour without a book to read in order give away a lot of my money?
Anyways, I promise I'll work out tomorrow, today was just a bummer.
PS. This is the book I'm checking out. My sister in law recommended it, plus there is a movie coming out about it later this year scratch that, THIS MONTH, and I definitely want to read the book first. Whenever book based movies come out, I hardly ever read the book after I watch it, so I want to beat this story to the box office!
I sale my art and crafts to raise money for me to go to school, and today I just saw approximately 40 pieces of art leave my hands and go to the school. Not to mention I've already bought a book for $140 and have about 300ish more dollars I have to spend for books and random things they require just for this semester. It is just odd to me that you pay so much to go to school in order to get paid more one day, and that day you do get paid more you don't have to pay for school. (That made a lot more since in my head.) Anywho, I know that teachers have to get paid too, I mean i am married to one, so I wish they did get paid more, which would probably mean students paying more! I guess I just feel this way at the beginning of every semester because the schools literally drain your bank account within a week. Good thing we're stocked up on spaghettio's! (Which are probably not helping me get into my skinny britches at all.) Hey! maybe that 20 pound 140 dollar book I'll be carrying around will help! Did I mention, that I went to the library today to get a book and they didn't have it? And that I waited in line for an hour without a book to read in order give away a lot of my money?
Anyways, I promise I'll work out tomorrow, today was just a bummer.
PS. This is the book I'm checking out. My sister in law recommended it, plus there is a movie coming out about it later this year scratch that, THIS MONTH, and I definitely want to read the book first. Whenever book based movies come out, I hardly ever read the book after I watch it, so I want to beat this story to the box office!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Kaleb's first day of school.
Today was Kaleb's first day back to school, he teaches at a Middle School, so it was my first day alone for awhile. I got up eventually, did some laundry, made the bed, and fixed me a cherry diet coke. YUMM! I was incredibly bored and my 20 pounds of nursing books were glaring at me! "READ ME!!! YOU KNOW YOU NEED TO!" I felt like they were screaming at me! But, I don't start back til next Monday so like always I decided, I'd begin to read ahead tomorrow after I go pay for next semester. I then watched How I Met Your Mother online until Kaleb got home. I know, not a very productive day. But, it got better. Kaleb was
in the study room writing and prepping for school the next day and I began working out! After I burned 50 calories on DC2, I cooked dinner. Tonight, I made tacos, potato wedges and macaroni. I found this great way to separate and freeze my meat so you don't have to cook all of it at once on pinterest. Here is a pic:
I did this as soon as I got home from the grocery store, and today when I took it out of the freezer, it was a much better serving size than having to cook the whole thing. I had one taco and Kaleb had 2. This is much better compared to our normal 2 to 3 each! After dinner I worked out some more and burned 179 calories on your shape. I did a cardio boxing workout on there, so much fun! That brought today's calorie burning total to a whopping 229 calories. I was very proud. Tomorrow, since I have the house pretty tidied up already I'm going to begin working out before Kaleb gets home and I'm setting a total calorie burn for tomorrow to 300. I can so do this! I will let you know tomorrow evening if my goal is a success! Goodnight bloggers! PS Weigh in is in only 7 days!
in the study room writing and prepping for school the next day and I began working out! After I burned 50 calories on DC2, I cooked dinner. Tonight, I made tacos, potato wedges and macaroni. I found this great way to separate and freeze my meat so you don't have to cook all of it at once on pinterest. Here is a pic:
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I didn't buy this much meat and I only separated mine in half. |
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Riley and Kaylee

Happy New Year Everyone! This is my first blog of 2012. It is now January 1st, the first short term goal date that I set in the beginning of this blog! I'm happy to report that I kept one goal and that was not to drink any non diet sodas! My other goal I kept moreso than I originally thought I would, doing some form of exercise every day. I only missed a few days around Christmas when we were visiting family. Today, or yesterday I suppose, I only burned 50 calories playing Dance Central 2, but I was busy preparing for a get together with mine and Kaleb's friends, Nikki and Evan to celebrate the New Year. I was very proud of myself when I opted against toasting with a regular coca cola! Since this was my goal day, I originally thought I was going to gorge myself with sugary calorie filled sodas, but I didn't even want one. I'll post my new short term goal probably later today when I decide what that is, but for now I'm hitting the hay! Goodnight people of the blog! Have a wonderful first day of the New Year!
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